Monday, November 7, 2011

This is a busy Fall and will be a rough Winter,
Please help "Occupy the Alliance!"

If you want for the Portland Alliance to Continue...
we need Volunteers & Resources... (yesterday)

We have a new associate editor, Sophie Sauzeau, who has been
working on site 10-16 hours per week for the past Month. 
Drop in to visit her on Mondays and  Wednesdays between
11am and 5pm. 

We have other contributing editors, volunteers, photographers,
artists, reporters, reviewers, journalists, writers, researchers,
and technicians working on and off site continuously.
We appreciate their efforts and sacrifices.

But we need more hands-on help in the offices:
If you can donate time, these are the tasks:
Volunteers Needed in 3 Offices:
(We also have a 4th, downstairs office)
1.  Sorting & Filing in Offices # 1 & 2
2.  Data Entry in File-Saver and Quick-Books in #1 (then invoice)
3.  Digitize several Prints for Current Issue in #1
     (Determine how scanner works with Obuntu)
4.  Editing, Layout, & Design of Current Issues in #1
5.  Fundraising via Google, Network Solutions, Paypay
     and Online Resources,  Angelfire, PowWeb, & Affiliates (#1-3)
     Upgrading Pages to interactive PHP
6.  Mailings to raise funds: donations, subscriptions, ads, listings
7.  Phone Banks & Ad Sales (#4-Downstairs?)
8.  Print Flyers, Do Promotion, Tabling, Events, Post-Thumping
09. Write Grants & Apply for Funds
10. Bookkeeping: Prioritize Bills
11. Work on Web-pages, Blogs, Mail-Servers
12.  Facilities Clean up, Repair, Organizing 
13.  Fix Printers & Fax
14.  Office 3:  Upgrade Workstation 5 to 5 & 6
       2 New Computers from Free Geek
       (Turn in existing system [minus hard drive])
       Expand table to make 2 Workstations
15,  Hanging Pictures (1-3) and Mounting Shelf in #2
16.      Organize Library & Move unnecessary things to storage.  

 We also need these resources, if you can donate:

 Resources:  Materials and Supplied needed:
1.  2000+dollars/month for rent, utilities, printing, mailing, etc.      
        The Alliance need your support now more than ever.  

      If more convenient, drop donation in our mail slot at 5926 N. Albina,    
     three blocks from PCC Cascade!
     For more info: call 503-327-8377 or fax 503-327-8949!

2.  Ink for Printers and Fax
     Toner for Samsung ML1430 Printer
     Toner for Brother HL5170DL Printer
     KXFP250 Panasonic Fax (KXFA135Ribbon)
3.  Regular paper for printers
4.   Business Envelopes
5.   Postage & Post Cards
6.   Manilla Folders for Filing
7.   Copy Machine
8.   Color Printer
9.   5 pair of speakers for Computers
10. Lysol, Spray Cleaner, Dish-Washing Detergent 
11. Toilet Paper
12. Tacks and Staples for Post Thumper & Tot
13. Scotch Tape
14. 4 Angle Brackets to mount a Shelf
      Two Screen Doors
15. Food
Speaking Truth to Power
Since 1981!
Support local media!
Of, by, & for the people! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Occupy Portland Is Growing

Civil Liberties
10 Years After 9/11:
Can We Be Safe?

The National Lawyers Guild, the ACLU of Oregon, the American Constitution Society, Peace and Justice Works - Iraq Affinity Group and Amnesty International USA - Group 48 are sponsoring an evening forum to discuss the threat to our civil liberties caused by the prior and current administration’s systematic policies of torture and targeted killing, extraordinary rendition and warrantless wiretaps, military commissions and indefinite detention, political surveillance and religious discrimination - policies which have dubious or no value in preserving our safety and national security.
Panelists will also highlight ongoing efforts by ACLU, the National Lawyers Guild and others to uncover such abuses and hold those responsible accountable in the legal courts and the court of public opinion.
Speakers include:
  • Steven Wax, Federal Public Defender, who has represented a number of Guantanamo detainees
  • David Fidanque, Executive Director of the ACLU of Oregon; Kayse Jama, Executive Director, Center for Intercultural Organizing;
  • Steven Goldberg a National Lawyers Guild attorney whose litigation successfully challenged the NSA warrantless surveillance program
  • Brandon Mayfield, a local Muslim attorney falsely accused and imprisoned on terrorism charges.

Jo Ann Hardesty, a former state legislator and a long-time voice for Portland's under-represented communities and a leader in the struggle against racial and economic injustice will present opening remarks and moderate the discussion.
The event is free and open to the public.
For more information, contact: Mark Kramer, National Lawyers Guild, (503) 243-2733;
Event Time: 7:30 - 9:30pm
Portland Building Auditorium
1120 SW 5th Ave
Portland, OR 97204
United States